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HomeDermaplaning - Salon Di Marco & Day Spa


Dermaplaning is a simple procedure that uses a specialized surgical blade to remove the top layer of skin (epidermis). This bladed treatment can remove dead skin cells and fine facial hairs, also known as “peach fuzz,” as well as address fine lines and acne scarring.  The removal of dead skin cells also allows for deeper penetration of take-home treatments, thus helping you to achieve better results from expensive topical solutions.

Dermaplaning is ideal for everyone, and often recommended for clients with drier skin who have excess peach fuzz. Because it can accomplish deep exfoliation without using harsh chemicals, it is also a good option for pregnant or nursing women.


During the procedure, an esthetician will cleanse and prepare your skin with a gentle cleanser, removing any makeup and dirt. Using a sterilized blade, your esthetician will smoothly guide the blade across your face at an angle while holding the skin taught. Treatment offers immediate results with minimal side effects and no downtime.

It is not uncommon to experience some minor irritation for the first 24 to 48 hours after your treatment. Following your normal skin care regimen and using a quality moisturizer can help soothe the area. Your skin will be sensitive to sun exposure, so you must wear a high SPF sunscreen to avoid the risk of hyperpigmentation.

If you are worried that shaving the hair on your face will cause it to grow back thicker, there is no cause for concern. The type of hair being removed is known as vellus hair. When removed, it should not grow back darker or courser after treatment. We do, however, recommend additional treatments every three to four weeks to help you maintain your results.

Removing dead skin cells also allows for deeper penetration of Take Home Treatments, thus helping you to achieve better results from expensive topical solutions.

If dermaplaning is not for you, then visit our page dedicated to all other facial treatments available.

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Copyright by Salon Di Marco & Day Spa. All rights reserved.